Draft for the profession of real estate broker, NAREA: Ministry of Justice to extend the consultation period, cannot be closed in one day

The National Albanian Real Estate Association raises concerns about the climate, spirit and haste in which the consultative process is being developed regarding the Draft Law “On the Profession of Real Estate Brokers.”

As NAREA we express not only our concern but also the request to the Ministry of Justice, as a drafting law institution, to consider creating the necessary timeframe, not rushing to complete the Consultation and the Draft Law itself in question, to jointly build a time-consistent Law and that serves all stakeholders in this process.

#NAREA #ProjektligjiNdermjetesitPasurivePaluajtshme


Post link: https://www.balkanweb.com/drafti-per-profesionin-e-ndermjetesit-te-pasurive-te-paluajtshme-narea-ministria-e-drejtesise-te-zgjase-afatin-e-konsultimit-smund-te-mbyllet-ne-nje-dite/?fbclid=IwAR2lsA2Us7bRKFcqIWmLi7lcYKcJe8Js4P1IfmguBbdqj4Imz6oZHgGFMMA

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